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Writer's pictureAnnabelle V.

Desire: The Root of Temptation

Updated: Aug 13, 2024

Bring God forward to push temptation back.

A picture of an eclipse with the sun brightly shining behind the moon. The photo includes the words, "Bring God forward to push temptation back"

Sweet, ugly temptation —a siren’s song that lures you down paths you never thought you’d find yourself on. James writes,

[God] himself tempts no one. Each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin ... (James 1:14 )

It’s true, isn’t it? We are only tempted by something if it in someway appeals to our desires. James points out that desire is at the root of temptation. I'm hoping this anecdote will help illustrate:

Years ago, I was tutoring English overseas in a private home, and I was served an open-faced sandwich with black caviar on it. Now, I knew I disliked caviar, but I said "thank you" perhaps too enthusiastically and took a bite. I forced it down with a smile pasted on my face. At the first opportunity, I folded the rest into a napkin and into my pocket. To my horror, because they thought I liked it, they brought me one the next time I came! To this day, I gag at the thought of it. Looking back, it's clear that my desire to be polite and make a good impression on my employer motivated me to eat what I wouldn’t have otherwise.

In the same way, people can be tempted into sin. They may dislike a wrong behaviour, as much as I hated the caviar, but because it’s a means to an end, they are willing to push past their distaste. For example, students cheat on an exam, not because they like to cheat, but because they want to pass a course. An executive falls into drinking too much because he or she wants to relieve stress. A mother conceals a few smaller but pricey items behind her purse on the grocery cart, because she wants her family to eat well but can’t afford the rising costs.

There is often nothing wrong with many of our desires, and yet we can easily slide into sin in their pursuit. We may justify some unwise actions — just a bit at first and then more, until our sin is “full-grown” (James 1:15b). I cringe to think of how often I've push God aside as I've focused on my desires.

I think this is the heart of the matter: What do we desire more than God?

Have we unintentionally set up idols that we pursue more than we pursue God? As we do so, do we make ourselves vulnerable to temptations that cross our paths?

But always ... there is Jesus.

I believe, as this beautiful old hymn describes,

If you turn your eyes upon Jesus,… the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.

In other words, the temptations of this world will have much less a hold on us, because they will pale in comparison to God as he reveals himself more to us. Seek Him first. Bring Him forward and temptation has no where to go but back.

Lord Father, You are the Father of Lights who is the giver of all good things. You are the only one worthy of full devotion. Forgive me for the times I have desired things and people ahead of you. Reveal any blinds spots in my life. Show me how to put YOU first and place Your desires in my heart. Help my mind get to the point where it truly believes in your goodness so that I can better endure temptation, making choices that align with my love for you. Thank you for making a way through Jesus. Amen.

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